Peace shattered in Felixstowe on 12th April 2017

In something resembling a scene from the Wild West a large raiding party from Felix United Service Lodge made an unprovoked attack on an unsuspecting Felix Lodge and “Claimed the Gavel”. The Master of Felix, Richard Harvey, was unfortunately absent having been taken ill just a few days before but his stand-ins, at very short notice, WBro. Robert Smith and WBro. Steve McDade conducted a splendid ceremony of raising for Bro Graham Popple.
It is said that David Deal, the reported ring leader of this band of outlaws, observed that they had sufficient guns to claim the prize and the exploit was fulfilled in the Temple in full view of gasping onlookers. Without the time or the means to resist this intrusion, the calculated misdemeanour was brought to consummation and it was left to the shocked Deputy Rob Smith, on behalf of the folk present, to accept defeat and prepare to hand over the ‘travelling gavel’. The story could have ended there but for an enterprising young buck in the name of Steve Bloomfield, who rode back to his prairie homestead and returned laden with assorted props with which to combat the foe. To great applause from the gathered congregation at the local hostelry, the diminutive hero ensured that the desperadoes forfeit their pride and sing for the right to retain this ‘holy grail’. In an act of consolidation the vexatious mob capitulated and together they ruined the pianist’s melodious notes with a clamorous and turbulent rendition of some popular classics. A good evening was thereby had by all.