
Felixstowe Widows Group Restart
On Thursday 24th November the Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk hosted a widows fellowship Tea at Felixstowe Golf Club for the Group 8 lodges. It was organised by W. Bro Dougie Paine the Group 8 Almoner and Widows lead. 18 widows attended from Felixstowe and Ipswich and had a great afternoon of chat, cakes, and refreshment.
Almoners Conference Report 2022
The Suffolk Almoners Conference 2022, which formed part of the “Year of the Almoner 2022” celebration, took place on Sunday 16th October at Ashlar House, Bury St Edmunds. It was attended by 124 delegates (up 10% on the previous year) including the Suffolk Rulers, members of the Provincial Executive, and members representing most of the Lodges in the Suffolk. The audience was made up from not only Lodge Almoners & Assistant Almoners, but Worshipful Masters, Secretaries, and other Lodge Officers, and even an Entered Apprentice who attended the Conference as his first meeting in Freemasonry. A good number of wives/partners also attended which was lovely to see.
The conference theme was “Not Forgetting the Forgotten”. It highlighted the support available to three categories of society which have been overlooked during the COVID-19 pandemic namely military veterans, children and young people facing bereavement, and our elderly community.